I created my new blog using Jeykll on GitHub Pages

Kyle Boas
2 min readFeb 20, 2023


I’ve always wanted to create a blog using Jeykll on GitHub Pages, rather then using Medium, so this was the perfect opportunity to try it out to create one for the Tactics Journal.

All my past and future posts will be on the new website, check it out here:

I will be using Medium as a secondary way of writing posts that won’t fit on the main website, so if you’ve enjoy the tactical posts, bookmark tacticsjournal.com or follow me on social media to get notified when a new post goes out:

Follow on Twitter: @TacticsJournal

Follow on Instagram: @TacticsJournal

I’ll be adding an email newsletter at some point, so you can subscribe that way to receive posts. I need to get a PO Box to do that.

The process was fairly simple to create the new website. I just needed to buy the domain name. Then I found this GitHub repository by barryclark called Jekyll-Now. You simply fork the repository, and then I made several adjustments, to fit my own taste. You can find a step-by-step tutorial on how to create your own on that page I linked. It’s plug-and-play for the most part.

The writing workflow is easy, you use Markdown formatting, then you just publish. Adding images is as simple as adding them to a folder within GitHub then referencing them in the post. Simple.

I prefer having my own space where I can control the look and I don’t have to rely on third-party companies changing random features within their service.

Thank you all for reading and sharing! I like the way it looks and hope you like it as well.

